25 July 2008

Got Tagged

15 Facts- You're tagged!

Rules :
1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!


  1. I love singing though I sound like a toad. =[
  2. I enjoy poking people.
  3. I always hug my bear before i go to bed, but kick it aside when sleeping soundly w/o realizing it.
  4. I hate to be hate.
  5. I love to be love .
  6. I LOVE CHOCOLATES and LOLLIES though both of them contain a lots of calories and high in sugar
  7. I'm currently in love with Choir, Mr. Mulu, i adore u! =] oops [i salute you, you're really a good music teacher, Chee Kan, don't tell him this =] ]
  8. I love attentions!
  9. I hate being acknowledge
  10. I like to poop after dinner or maybe midnight. LMAO
  11. I used to suck milk bottles when I'm Primary Five *rofl, stop laughing! everyone does that
  12. I love BABIES a LOADSSssssssssssss
  13. I hate curtains, they gave me creep. Often imagining some sort of black figure standing behind those curtain and suddenly jump out! WHOA! =X
  14. I enjoy going tuitions ! =D
  15. and I hate ASSIGNMENTS
I shall now tag :
Mo Mo
Kah Yeng
Heng Wei
Kien Lam
Wei Jian

sorry guys, but that how the rules of the game works. BLAME the one that set this game rules =D

written by?