WTF have to retype my post after i'm almost done. wtf
well, i just finish my tidbits. uh is it just or half an hour ago?
URGH, it doesnt matter. LOL.
hmph? had a packet of Mister Potato all by my own. yah, well? spring onion doesnt taste that good. prefer Chillies barbeque flavour.
hmph? feeling very drowsy after having the medicine. wee, going to snooze all the way after this post till late eveningafternoon! weeeeeeeeeee x)
my aunt and her babies are dropping by at my house in the evening. wondering what are they up to this time? nvm, i still get to cuddle with those lovely babies. :)
cant wait to SEE JEREMY!awwww, a nephew at this age :( awww, sad. im growing older. nah! nvm, i shall get my licence soon next year. WOOOOOOOT! may 30th. *scream and shout*
too excited i got
*chill, sit down and continue typing*
hmph? what else ?*chill, sit down and continue typing*
OH yah!!!!
WTF dumb tenaga nasional. provide electricity at the very INCORRECT timing.
i heard that yesterday's chemistry class was cancel due to blackout in Eugene's house, but wtf. ADD MATHS class is carry out as usual. awwwwww, i thought it would be a rest day for us! pffftttttt
alarh, nvm
today pulaks? 3 hours tuition awwwwwww...
so sleepy. woke up at 7.55a.m.
yawn. k larh, i want to go check out my character in Maplesea before go to bed.
mood: happy
weather: sunny
signing off,